This blog is about Alphorns in America, and for Alphorn players and friends in the USA.
We are Alphorn players in New Jersey and would love to hear from you.
The American Alphorn Society like the International Alphorn Society foster the mission to gather people in the US and around the world, who have a mutual interest in the origin, culture and performance of the Alphorn, and to develop awareness of the versatility of this ancient instrument.
For more information please visit our other websites and and share your Alphorn stories and comments in this blog. We love to hear from you!
Hallo, ich darf mich als Alphornbauer aus Westfalen in Deutschland vorstellen.
Mehr als 230 Instrumente haben meine Werkstatt verlassen. Mehr zu sehen auf meiner Homepage
Ich gebe gerne ein Angebot.
Wünsche viel Freude mit Alphornmusik.
Hubert Hense
may I introduce myself as alphorn builder from Westphalia in Germany.
More than 230 instruments have left my workshop. See more on my website
I give you an offer.
Hope you enjoy with Alphorn music.
Hubert Hense
thanks for letting me know